Due to the wide portfolio of solutions we are able to provide, we will mention the most relevant according to our daily basis record:


  • COMPLIANCE: The current global situation and the complexity over the legal frames between countries, demands for individuals as well for corporations to establish very clear procedures, for them to perform their activities without delay. Creating a reliable compliance platform, brings certainty to the operations (financially, commercially, etc).
  • MANAGEMENT: When a business has the chance to increase its operations, there are only a few who take the expansion seriously. Most of them haven’t set and develop the frames to embrace that expansion. Then the expansion becomes very difficult to handle and the business lose control on the operations. Having at hand a forecast to prevent this situation, allows the business to grow in a proper and ordered manner.
  • PROCESSES: When businesses don’t have efficient processes, resources could be wasted impacting the EBITDA dramatically. Analysing and structuring a correct chart of processes, leads the business to the next level.
  • FINANCE: After a thorough analysis to determine the financial position of the business, our wide data base of sources, opens the opportunity for the clients to meet their goals in terms of financial solutions.
  • MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS: When it comes the time to sell the business or to look for a partner, we help the client to get where is required. Depending on the operation, an equity fund, a structured credit, or even issuing banking instruments, ALC is able to support the clients.
  • EXTENDING OPERATIONS TO OTHER COUNTRIES: Sometimes the clients are ready to expand their business operations to other countries, so they need professional advisory either to make a residence change, or to buy a running business, or to set a new business from zero. In any case ALC is there to bring guidance and certainty to the client.
  • SECURITY: Since the lack of security has impacted negatively moreover in Latin America, we have an agreement with specialists on the field (former European police top ranks) and create a full advisory programme for those who need to improve their environments in this area in particular.
  • BECOMING GLOBAL: After seven years, our service has become global. Today we have the opportunity to give attention to our clients all over the American Continent through our representatives in the USA and Mexico, and the rest of the world from our office in France.

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